Are you considering taking out a loan, and wondering how to find the best loan option for yourself? An estimated 19.4 million Americans have a personal loan, meaning this situation is far from unique [1]. One of the best ways to land on the perfect loan is to equip yourself with education. Below you can find out some of the ways you can go about securing the perfect loan for your needs.
Assess Your Needs
Probably the first step you need to take in figuring out the best loan for you is assessing what you actually need out of the loan. Are you looking to open a small business? Are you trying to renovate your home? Are you looking to enter higher education? There are a multitude of different types of loans that you can acquire based on what you plan to use the money for, so make sure you talk to potential loan providers about your options. It’s also a good idea to think reasonably about how much you will be able to pay back, and at what rate. If it is going to take you a long time to pay back your loan based on the savings you have and your future potential earnings, you will want to make sure you don’t sign up for a loan that penalizes you for a slow payment plan, or one that racks up interest very quickly. Likewise, if you feel you can pay back the loan very quickly, it might be beneficial to pick a loan that does not require interest or fees in the first year.
Compare Providers
Once you understand what you need out of a loan, it is time to compare what’s out there. One of the primary things to keep in mind is: you don’t have to take the first offer you see. There are so many different banks and loan providers out there, offering competitive rates in an aim to gain clients. If one deal feels too steep in fees, go to someone else, offer in hand, and use it to generate an even better offer. By doing a bit of cost comparison, or “window shopping,” you will likely end up with a far better deal than you would if you just went with someone simply because they offered you a deal first.
Get Your Affairs In Order
If any individual walks into a bank or other financial institution and asks for a loan, they are going to look pretty silly if they show up empty handed. It’s important, of course, to have your financial records in order. Tax documents, savings accounts, stocks, mortgage debt etc are all key details your loan provider will need to ensure that the two of you can work together. On a similar note, be wary of providers who tell you there is no need for these items. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be honest and transparent with your loan provider, it will work better for you in the long run. Even if your credit score is less than ideal you can either take some time to improve your score, or work with a loan provider that deals in more complicated loan processes [2]. Have your paperwork in order and be clear on where you stand.
A Note On Interest
If you pay attention to one thing in particular, it should be the interest rates the loan provider is offering. Interest rates can be a major determining factor in whether or not your loan will actually lead to you being better off financially. If you find the interest rate on a particular loan offer to be suspiciously high, that means it’s time to negotiate or look elsewhere. Also, some providers will charge annual fees, which can sometimes add up. Again, this can often be negotiated down, and if it can’t, consider first whether the proposed loan is really the best for you.
Set Up a Plan for Success
Many economists would tell you that one of the best ways to make a loan process successful would be to set up a good payback plan for yourself. It’s all well and good to actually get a loan, but if you don’t know how you will repay it, it will all be for naught. Figure out if you want to pay on a monthly or weekly basis—though this may be decided for you through the loan agreement. If you can, set up an autopay option through your bank, to take some of the pressure off. Even if you have to make small sacrifices elsewhere, it can pay off big to get that loan debt paid off quickly.
Moving Forward
Once you’ve settled on your loan, and made your plan for success, it is imperative that you move forward with that plan. If the purpose of a loan is to set you up for some big financial goal, it would be a real shame if the loan actually had the opposite effect and set you back. Especially if things backfire due to not following through with a well-intentioned plan. The dates you set for yourself to pay back installments—meet them. If you hoped to be paidoff in full by a certain time—try everything you can to make sure you do. Particularly if you are battling high interest rates, you want to be sure to get your payments in check, or the interest could really derail your plans.
Taking the time to reflect, have your paperwork in order, compare providers, and set up a good payback plan for yourself will take you far in having a successful loan process. With these tips, you will be one step closer to finding the right loan for you.