DeSantis Slams Biden’s Israel Approach

A recent dialogue featuring Governor DeSantis on Sean Hannity’s show shed light on the governor’s views concerning the situation in the Middle East, particularly the Gaza Strip. This transcript provides an insight into DeSantis’s perspective on U.S. policy, the challenges posed by refugees, and the broader implications of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Key Takeaways

  1. Humanitarian Concerns: DeSantis began by highlighting the real-life impact of the ongoing conflict on ordinary citizens, with children and families wanting to flee from the relentless rocket attacks and find safety. This establishes the human face of the tragedy, emphasizing its gravity.
  2. U.S. Refugee Policy: The governor voiced strong reservations about accepting refugees from Gaza. Citing the current open-border policy under the Biden administration, DeSantis raised concerns about the high number of refugees that may come into the U.S.
  3. Indoctrination and Education: DeSantis underscored that the animosity in the region is deeply ingrained, beginning in childhood. He referenced cartoons and textbooks that allegedly indoctrinate children with anti-Semitic views. This argument serves to reinforce his stand against accepting Gaza refugees, with the assertion that this could lead to importing these “pathologies” to the U.S.
  4. U.S. Role in the Israel-Palestine Conflict: DeSantis clearly stated that America’s role should be in supporting Israel’s right to defend itself and eliminate threats like Hamas. He criticized President Biden’s approach, suggesting a lack of genuine support for Israel. DeSantis emphasized the need for moral clarity, denouncing any perceived moral equivalence between Hamas and Israeli civilians.
  5. The Iran Factor: A notable part of the dialogue involved criticism of the U.S.’s interactions with Iran. DeSantis accused the Biden administration of enabling Iran by lifting sanctions, suggesting that such moves indirectly fund terrorism by empowering Iran financially.

Implications and Analysis

  • DeSantis’s Strong Pro-Israel Stance: The governor’s views align firmly with a pro-Israel stance. He underscores Israel’s right to self-defense and advocates for America’s unequivocal support.
  • Focus on Indoctrination: By highlighting the alleged indoctrination in Palestinian education, DeSantis makes a broader point about the challenges of peace in the region. If children are raised with entrenched animosities, it can perpetuate the cycle of violence.
  • Critique of Current U.S. Foreign Policy: DeSantis’s critique of the Biden administration’s approach to the Middle East, especially concerning Iran, points towards a significant ideological divide on how to address the challenges posed by the region.
  • Future Implications: DeSantis’s views may influence future policies, especially if he assumes a more prominent role on the national stage. His statements on refugees and foreign policy could have long-term ramifications on U.S. strategies in the Middle East.


Governor DeSantis’s dialogue on Sean Hannity’s show provides a clear window into his views on the Middle East. His firm pro-Israel stance, concerns about refugee acceptance, and critique of current U.S. foreign policy highlight the deep complexities and divisions surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict and U.S. involvement therein. As the situation in the Middle East continues to evolve, these perspectives and debates will remain crucial in shaping America’s foreign policy trajectory.

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