Few Easy Tips on How to Feel Happy and Remain Happy and Energized All the Time

Happiness is a concept that everyone keeps working to achieve. People who remain upbeat regardless of the situation they are in are considered lucky. There are simple ways to help you roll with the punches, no matter what life throws at you. Psychologists and social scientists have conducted numerous studies to come up with ways to ensure you feel happy all the time.


Exercise is strenuous, and people avoid feeling out of breath and sore, but it has so many benefits. After exercising, you feel happier, have less stress, and be more productive throughout the day. Certain activities trigger the feel-good hormones called endorphins. Running or spending thirty minutes at the gym can help you have an endorphin rush, making you feel happy always.

Having nature walks or hiking outdoors proves to make you feel even better than indoor exercising. Breathing in the fresh air and admiring nature also boosts your feel-good hormones. When you walk up in a sour mood, trying taking a short walk to improve your mood for the day.


It is called ‘beauty sleep’ for a reason. Getting enough sleep improves your mood substantially and helps you feel relaxed and less irritable. Hippocampus in our brains is responsible for positive responses to stimuli while the amygdala processes the adverse reactions.

Sleep deprivation affects the hippocampus more than the amygdala, making it easier for you to remember bad memories. You become sad, gloomy, and easily triggered. It is essential to get enough sleep to remain happy. Doctors advise eight hours of sleep for adults and more for children.

Be Helpful

There is a saying that says there is more joy in giving than receiving, and it is true. You feel happier when you help others, and seeing people happy makes you happy too. The simple fact that you are making a difference in someones’ life improves your mood.

Charitable works also distract you from overthinking your problems. When you focus your energy on solving other peoples’ problems, you feel happier after finding a solution. Thinking about other people other than yourself gives you joy and happiness.

Be Grateful

Sometimes life hits you with so many bad things that you feel sullen and like giving up. In such moments, try to count your blessings. There is always something to be grateful for, no matter the situation.

You can keep a gratitude journal to help you with an attitude adjustment. Being a pessimist robs you of joy. It would be best to always look at the silver lining in your life to remain happy. Talking to a friend about bad things in your life may help you see things from a different perspective and improve your mood.

Listen to Sad Music

Studies have shown that listening to sad music generates beneficial emotional effects like regulating bad moods. It is important to note that happiness is a subjective concept, and not everyone can benefit from listening to sad music.

However, studies have shown that most people respond positively to sad songs all over the world. Moreover, there are many music genres, and you can find the type of music that gets you dancing anywhere. Some people feel starting their day with music improves their mood significantly and count dancing as exercise.

Set Achievable Goals

Life is a maze of deadlines and timelines full of lists of things you should complete. Normalize creating a list of specific goals like “often recycle” rather than “clean out the ocean.” Having a particular goal makes it easier to achieve it and move on to the next project or activity.

People who set nonspecific goals fail to feel a sense of accomplishment when they fail to achieve their goals. Sometimes it takes longer to attain nonspecific goals causing unnecessary frustrations. Feeling accomplished makes you happier and relaxed.

Write down Your Feelings

Having a diary is considered juvenile, but it is very helpful in making you feel happy. Most psychologists tell their patients to write letters when angry but not to send them. Writing down what you think calms you down.

By writing feelings on paper, you get to clarify your thoughts, solve problems effectively and relieve stress. Venting on paper gives you a chance to read back your emotions, and more often than not, you get to see they are not so bad. On some occasions, you can laugh at yourself after reading what you write down in a haze.

Eat healthy

Feeding your body with food that is not good for you makes you feel sluggish and accumulate many health problems. Gaining extra weight does not bring about happiness if you had no plans on adding a little insulation. Being sick doesn’t bring about happiness to anyone. Please, and try to remain healthy.

Eating healthy food makes you feel vibrant and energetic. Drinking water is also an essential thing to consider when trying to remain healthy. Dehydration causes headaches and muscle pains that make you sad and less productive.


Finding time to seclude yourself for a few minutes to meditate is advisable. Light a candle and practice deep breathing for a few minutes to relax both your mind and body. You can also opt for aromatherapy, and it also calms the body and thoughts.

Meditation helps you to know yourself better and reduce negative emotions towards yourself and others. Exercises like yoga are great ways to meditate and relax your body. Feeling relaxed boosts your feel-good hormones.

Do What You Love

Everyone has hobbies and activities they like to do. It would help if you made time to do something you are passionate about several times a week. Especially when you feel sad, get up and do something you love, like cooking, reading a book, or taking a nature walk.

Participating in activities you love boosts your happiness levels. You can also invite a friend or family member to join you in your hobby. Teaching and telling people about your hobbies improves your mood and makes the activity more fun.

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